Canadian tax filers donated more in 2014 than in 2013, according to new data released by Statistics Canada.

The number of donors across the country dipped by 1%, it adds, but “total donations rose 3.5% to $8.6 billion, with gains in every province and territory—except the Northwest Territories, where donations were 2.7% lower.”

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The largest donation increases were seen in Prince Edward Island (+7.5%), Manitoba (+6.0%) and Alberta (+5.9%). Those three provinces had median donation amounts of $400, $390 and $420, respectively—that compares to the national median donation amount of $280.

Further, even though the total number of donors decreased, StatsCan says the amount of people giving to charities actually jumped in Alberta (+0.8%), Manitoba (+0.7%), Nunavut (+0.6%) and British Columbia (+0.2%). Read more.

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