The floundering global economy has left many financial professionals in a slump.

So, how are they getting their edge back? Testosterone injections, reports Cindy Perman of CNBC.

Yes, you read correctly. It’s time for Wall Street to beef up, with many older male execs struggling to stay productive and focused as their testosterone levels fall due to age and stress.

Read: Investors shouldn’t blindly trust Wall Street

CNBC reports Wall Street doctors are cashing in, since profits from Botox and plastic surgery have plunged since the recession.

In fact, a clinic has recently opened an office in Trump Tower. The doctor who runs it told CNBC he receives great feedback from patients and “their lives have changed.”

Read: Men wealthier, women happier in retirement

Manhattan plastic surgeon Dr. Lionel Bissoon told Perman 90% of his patients are men from big banks like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley.

This procedure is even available for women — in smaller doses.

Read: Biology says women are better traders

For those unwilling to go to such extreme lengths to stay afloat, take a look at these articles:

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