Nearly half of Canadians (47%) say they’d continue working even if they didn’t need to, says a survey from Monster Canada. But slightly more (49%) claim they’d leave their work life behind.

Further, out of the group that would opt to continue working, more than half (53%) would pursue a job that complements their passions rather their current job, the survey notes—only one-third (33%) would choose to continue working in their current field.

Read: 3 reasons there are more dual-income families: StatsCan

Sheryl Boswell, Director of Marketing at Monster Canada, says people would seek out careers related to hobbies such as photography, writing, baking and website design.

Further, out of the group who would work, most respondents say they wouldn’t take on a full week. Turns out, the typical 40-hour work week was only popular with 13% of those polled. Plus, the desire to work part-time spans many income brackets; overall, 66% of respondents who report an annual income of more than $100,000 indicated they’d keep working part-time.

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Millennials are the outliers, with 60% of Canadians aged 18 to 34 saying they’d be likely to continue working. Among older generations, only 50% of those aged 35 to 44 would do the same (the percentage drops to 52% for those aged 45 to 54, and to 36% for those aged 55-64).


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