In a survey by RBC Insurance about segregated funds, 87% of Canadian respondents agree that they’d like investments that grow and guarantee principal.

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That desire to have it all is probably no surprise, but other survey findings might be.

For instance, 60% of respondents didn’t know about seg funds. And 80% failed a true-or-false quiz on those funds.

Further, when asked about fees, responses varied widely. While 33% say they wouldn’t mind paying a higher fee for the guaranteed principal provided by a seg fund, 47% disagree and 20% are unsure.

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Overall, survey responses potentially underscore the lack of understanding Canadians have about their financial needs and about financial products. That lack might represent an opportunity — not to mention a lot of client conversations — for advisors, especially with 83% of respondents saying estate planning is important to them.

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Of course, identifying something as important doesn’t necessarily translate into action.

A CIBC poll finds that 46% of Canadians don’t have a financial plan despite feeling concern about retirement. Of the 54% who do have a plan, 36% say the plan is only a budget, a short-term plan or something “other.”

But having a financial advisor makes a difference. Those who have one feel better able to manage setbacks (61%).

About the surveys

CIBC’s survey was conducted this month among 1,007 Canadian adults with household incomes greater than $100,000.

RBC’s survey, conducted in November 2016, consists of 1,002 Canadians aged 55 and older with household incomes greater than $100,000.