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Nigel Chamberlain (name changed) spent 35 years serving patients in his Calgary psychiatric practice and acting as an expert witness during court proceedings. But he’d neglected the investment side of his finances.

The first Canadian baby boomers have hit official retirement age. Some may have retired early and later cohorts will wonder if they can follow suit. They all face the same questions: Is time on their side, or will they have to delay retirement? Will they have enough to live on?

Baby boomers are beginning to turn 65, but many may have decided to work longer.

Volatile markets make clients unsure about when they’ll stop working. How to plan for an uncertain time horizon.

Portfolios may still be bruised, but the rising tide of boomers means it’s time to talk retirement.

A report by Generational Insight suggests that roughly 41.5% of the Canadian population consists of 'Matures' (those born between 1909 and 1946) and 'Baby Boomers' (those born between 1947 and 1966).

Latté or buzz juice? Health drink or tea? A client’s choice speaks volumes about the generational landscape.

Besides what TV program is on at noon, the big question for soon-to-be retirees is how much money they will need to survive in their golden years.