Home Bond

Keyword: Bond

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Interest rate chart

CIBC’s chief investment officer discusses bonds, equities and currencies

House bubble

The government is raising the limit on the Canada Mortgage Bonds program to $60 billion

businessman hand working with new modern computer and business strategy as concept

PM likes short-dated, high-quality bonds

Bond indices

Plus, RBC iShares launches five thematic funds

  • By: Mark Burgess
  • September 13, 2023 September 13, 2023
  • 09:24
International trade

Foreign investors acquired $54.7 billion in Canadian bonds in the second quarter

Narrowing bond spreads signal confidence in borrowers, economy

Model figure stands on rate tables and looks skeptically on a graph with stock prices.

Fund assets rose in July, with ETFs climbing faster than mutual funds

China flag

The giant Chinese real estate developer rejected news reports about bankruptcy

Bond indices

Canadian investors bought foreign bonds, driving outflows in the month

Wooden box lined with hay from the chicken eggs

With interest rates rising, the fund increased its fixed income holdings