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Chris Moynes is an IIROC advisor with Aligned Capital Partners Inc. in Toronto. About 95% of his clients are NHL players, agents and coaches.

You don’t want to be average. If you are, you’ll get lost in a sea of peers, which makes it hard to compete professionally and grow your business. One way to stand out is to focus on a niche client base.

Jim Sanderson digs into his geologist past to carve a niche.

David Juniper had to change his style to serve vets.

Alexandra Horwood strikes gold early on.

Toronto is not the centre of the universe—and few know that better than advisors working in rural and remote areas. We spoke with three who say they’d never work in big cities, and their experiences are instructive for advisors all across Canada.

Young women starting their careers are more educated than ever, and they share similar goals and values to their male counterparts, finds a study by Pew Research.

  • By: Staff
  • December 13, 2013 August 21, 2018
  • 11:15

Your job requires you to be equal parts introvert and extrovert.

A move could mean greater independence, a signing bonus and improved compensation. But clients won’t always come along.

Your job requires you to be equal parts introvert and extrovert.