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Keyword: credit ratings

84 results found
Balancing act

Defaults still low, but DBRS on guard for deteriorating financials

U.S. flag

Five regional banks face rating cut, outlooks downgraded for two others

  • By: Staff
  • August 22, 2023 August 22, 2023
  • 11:41
Facade of the Federal Hall Wall Street

Funding, capital strains and real estate risks underpinned the rating actions

United States Capitol building, Washington DC, USA

Economy, rate environment are the main risks to issuers' finances

Risk rating

New rating, AA+, is still considered well into investment grade

China flag

Decline in working population to pressure growth and government finances

Carrying debt

Continuing cost pressures, rate hikes pushing companies toward default

wall street, new york city

Financial, regulatory headwinds drive tougher operating climate

Business and financial district in a city with pillars

Rising loan losses, growing expenses eating into banks' bottom lines

Business Team Meeting Discussion Connection

Demand for minority directors expected to increase as transparency improves