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75% of our best clients have debt and it doesn’t have to be this way but our clients need us to change.

Increasingly, the current economic crisis is becoming a political crisis, both in the U.S. and in Europe.

  • By: Staff
  • September 6, 2011 August 21, 2018
  • 12:09

Canadians fancy themselves as being debt-free in the next decade and are aggressively paying down debt, but a new study reveals they may be unrealistic about the age by which they expect to have paid their financial dues.

Debt Crisis Update U.S. debt: Not off the hook yet Obama signs debt deal, default averted Despite its resolution, the U.S. debt crisis has dampened investor mood and battered the U.S. financial markets. Fear continues to stalk various asset classes across the board, none more so than municipal and state bonds. The proposed spending cuts […]

Nearly half of Canada's baby boomers are still paying down their mortgage while trying to build retirement savings, according to a new poll.

Canadian students are worried about having enough money for school and significant debt on graduation day.

As the markets recover from the downgrade of America’s long-term debt, attention has turned back to the Old World. European leaders are debating the usefulness of a common euro-bond as a means of propping up the increasingly rickety monetary union. The key question is over Eurobonds is who will be left holding the bag on […]

It is just past the halfway mark and so far 2011 has been a pretty busy year for me.

Retired Canadians aren’t budging. According to an Ipsos Reid survey conducted for HomEquity Bank (provider of CHIP Home Income Plan), 61% of retired Canadians intend to stay in their current home as long as possible after retirement.

Debt Crisis Update Obama signs debt deal, default averted Washington may have reached a deal on its debt ceiling, but it still can’t catch a break from ratings agencies. Moody’s Investor Services has re-affirmed the U.S. government’s Aaa rating, but has changed its outlook on the world’s biggest economy to “negative”. Moody’s had placed the […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 3, 2011 August 21, 2018
  • 13:19