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Being from Nova Scotia, I have never seen a magpie. When I visit other provinces that are full of them, everyone laughs when I have asked… What are those pretty black and white birds?

It is now widely assumed that the Bank of Canada will put off raising interest rates until September, following this week's decision to stay the course. Yet a survey conducted by CIBC/Harris Decima suggests Canadians are split on what this might mean for their mortgages.

  • By: Staff
  • June 2, 2011 August 21, 2018
  • 00:00

The U.S. economic recovery is well underway. So we can sit back and watch our investment portfolios grow steadily — right?

In the wake of the Great Recession, Canada was repeatedly lauded for its conservative financial system, which allowed the economy to glide through the downturn relatively unscathed. But is our conservative corporate culture an impediment to economic activity? An expert panel at the recent EuroMoney Canada Forum shared its outlook for corporate Canada in the […]

More than half of Canadians find it impossible to save while trying to pay down debt and meet basic living expenses, according to the TD Canada Trust 2011 Report on Savings. The online survey of 1,003 adult Canadians also discovered that 38% of participants have no savings at all. “A small shift in your everyday […]

The showdown in Washington over the U.S. national debt has prompted Standard & Poor’s to adjust its rating on U.S. Treasuries. While the U.S. still enjoys a AAA rating, S&P warned that there is a one in three chance that it will downgrade the country in the next two years. “Because the U.S. has, relative […]

Sometimes we all need to reassess ourselves. Sometimes we all need to step back and examine where it is we are going and where we have been. In writing this column for Advisor.ca, it is probably time that I reevaluate my stance.

Canadian homeowners need reinforcements to help in their war against household debt.

Europe’s debt problems took a turn for the worse on Thursday, as the government of Portugal resigned and Spanish banks felt the sting of credit downgrades. The resignation of the Portuguese government pretty much guaranteed that the debt-laden nation will require a bailout from its European Union partners. The country’s 10-year bonds were sold off, […]

Reader Alert: This editorial is in response to Stephanie Holmes-Winton’s March16th column ‘What debt issue?’. Household debt in Canada is at record levels, but the situation is not as dire as some reports have suggested. While average household debt is $112,000, assets are also at record levels and net worth will increase as the economy […]