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Keyword: Derivatives

78 results found
Business people working in a conference room

Canada remained the last G20 country without conduct standards for OTC derivatives markets


Wedbush Securities fined for compliance failings

Two golden coins - Bitcoin and Ethereum

Regulators issue guidance on valuation, liquidity and custody issues for crypto funds

Banks can only enter into new transactions with clients that reference CDOR if the transaction hedges or offsets existing exposures

Investment documents signed

Rising rates, benchmark reform, commodity prices all affected activity

Montreal Skyline in winter and Commemorative Jacques Cartier plaque located on the balustrade of the Kondiaronk lookout on Mount Royal

Laurentian Bank Securities sanctioned for supervisory shortcomings

Checking monthly activities and appointments at the office

As LIBOR ends, regulators cut firms some slack

Old architecture at dusk on street in Old Montreal in Canada

Exchange proposes new client ID requirements

gavel on a wooden bench

Firm failed to prevent unauthorized access to exchange's electronic trading system

Bull and Bear

Regulators issue revised principles for regulation, supervision of commodity derivatives