Keyword: European Crisis

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A bond rating isn’t the only indicator of quality. In fact, rating agencies don’t always have all available information on regions and global economies, says Patrick Bradley of Brandywine Global.

Impeding regulatory changes are forcing European Banks to drastically reduce their exposure to real estate loans. Read: Fitch downgrades 18 banks New rules, which will increase the amount of capital banks are required to hold against commercial property loans, triggered a deleveraging process that could lead to lenders shedding €20 billion ($25.5 billion) worth of […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 24, 2012 August 21, 2018
  • 12:23

It seems the pair of economic defibrillators – both generous bond buying and an extension of the near-zero interest rate horizon – applied by governments and central banks are working.

Advisors often position bonds as reliable, solid investments. But with global economies faltering, both planners and clients have started questioning their value.

News: Moody's threatens U.S. credit rating; Facebook's future; and Draghi can't save the Eurozone.

Mario Draghi has coined a new financial acronym: OMT. It stands for Outright Monetary Transactions, and it’s the name of the ECB plan he unveiled last week.

There is a lot of stress in the global economy, and that’s going to put a lot of stress on you. You are going to get some tough questions over the next few months, so here’s a cheat sheet on how to respond.

Consider secondary currencies when looking for yield, says Patrick Bradley, a product specialist with the global fixed-income team at Brandywine Global in Philadelphia. He's also a manager of the Renaissance Optimal Income Portfolio

Greek Socialist official Panos Beglitis says a proposed round of massive new austerity cuts won’t work without major changes and an extension. Parties in the country’s new coalition government are at odds over how to rescue troubled Greek public finances. Beglitis made the remarks earl this month, hours before the coalition tried once more to […]

Last week, the world held its breath as Italy’s Mario Monti visited France’s François Hollande. But in predictable fashion, nothing beyond a cup of coffee and a nice photo op came out of the meeting.