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Even if an investor acknowledges that investing in an ETF involves risk, the next question is whether there is adequate reward, and whether the approach is optimal.

Editor’s note: This article is from 2013. For 2017 information, read our article, “Salary or dividends: Which is better for business owners?” There are nearly 2.5 million businesses in Canada, according to Industry Canada. A large portion of them are small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operated as corporations with one or a few shareholders. These […]

Investors have three market misconceptions.

Collectible cars are rolling pieces of art that can be both enjoyed and exhibited. And, like many other collectibles, they can also be a safe place to park longer-term capital.

Investors are missing out on current stock market rallies due to fear.

Vanguard’s shift away from MSCI indexes has a lot of ETF investors asking key questions.

Warren Buffett's famous annual shareholder letter is out, and starts on a sombre note.

Differentiate your practice with products you make yourself

  • By: Staff
  • February 27, 2013 December 12, 2022
  • 00:00

Canada’s debt-to-disposable income ratio is the worst among OECD countries. And our “year-round Boxing Day sale” on debt doesn’t help matters, Blake Goldring, chairman and CEO, AGF Management Ltd., told the Economic Club of Canada last week. Problem is, more spending means low investment. “When Canadians become successful savers, they are far more likely to […]

Corporate bonds are bearing the brunt of the growing popularity of equities among investors. Money managers in the U.K. are rushing to move their money out of corporate bonds in a bid to escape what they see as a potential crash in the asset class, reports FT.com. Fears of a liquidity crunch if there’s a […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 25, 2013 August 21, 2018
  • 11:42