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A modern website attracts the younger generation.

When it comes to prospecting, mass marketing is out and relationship building is in. Here are six tips for making the most out of your opportunities on LinkedIn.

How to use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect with your book.

Financial services consultant Jeff Thompson* was crossing the U.S. border a few years ago when his vehicle was surrounded by armed border guards and his entire family ordered to step out. They told him his youngest son shared a name with a fugitive.

You’ve learned how to optimize your profile, so here are some tips on how to use LinkedIn more effectively.

Most advisors can’t move their online prospect relationships offline. That means they see no return on investment for their efforts, so they often give up on their social media marketing strategies. But that’s a mistake. In this article, I’ll show you how to transition your client relationships on LinkedIn since it’s the most effective network for advisors.

Blogs. Twitter. LinkedIn. Facebook. There are more channels than ever to connect with clients and prospects. The challenge is navigating and using those channels to your best advantage. Will hiring a social media consultant help?

If you’re not taking advantage of social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, you might be living in a cave.

  • By: Staff
  • March 1, 2013 August 21, 2018
  • 06:00

LinkedIn should be the primary focus of advisors when it comes to social media.

Want to know what Obama is thinking? Or get networking tips from top business tycoons? Well you're in luck!