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Files being analyzed

The SRO argues a hearing panel erred by failing to impose a fine against a rep who misappropriated a client's money

Businessman crossroads concept choosing the right path as a man on a track and field sport track facing a difficult choice and dilemma with two different business directions as a metaphor for decision crisis

Regulatory staff are expected to deliver recommendations to CSA chairs in the coming weeks

close up, business man or lawyer accountant working on accounts using a calculator and writing on documents

Conflicts-related CFRs were discussed by Agora at the FMFD conference

senior client debt empty wallet

The CSA will finalize rules designed to protect vulnerable clients by early summer

  • By: Staff
  • April 15, 2021 April 15, 2021
  • 11:47

Man also admitted he used pre-signed forms

  • By: Staff
  • April 7, 2021 April 7, 2021
  • 16:52

A forum of industry associations hopes a consolidated SRO will create a more level playing field while strengthening investor protection

gavel on a wooden bench

Panel sanctions rep for misappropriating client money and fabricating an account statement

stack of documents or files, overload of paperwork on black background

The association delivered its proposed roadmap to inform a CSA decision due this summer


Dealers should examine their client reports for unusual or incorrect information

Toronto skyline in financial district

The regulators are reviewing submissions to the consultation that closed in October