Home Referrals

Keyword: Referrals

41 results found

Students need financial planning, too

woodland creatures

Invest in the next generation so they’ll invest with you

Business people, entrepreneur, business, small business concept

Insights from a regulatory audit were shared at the Vantage Series


Tips on how to handle referrals


Case involved referrals that violated securities rules

  • By: Staff
  • July 4, 2019 July 4, 2019
  • 14:08

Syndicated mortgages resulted in referral fees of more than $12K

  • By: Staff
  • January 31, 2019 January 31, 2019
  • 12:43

Offering third-party referrals to clients is generous and helps bolster your value

  • By: Katie Keir
  • February 17, 2018 September 7, 2018
  • 00:02

Do you use referral arrangements with outside experts like lawyers or accountants? Dave Lee senior wealth advisor, Scotia Wealth Management, White Rock, B.C. Yes, I use referrals, but they aren’t formal arrangements, so no disclosure is required. The best referrals are freely given and arise from demonstrating above-and-beyond service. For example, at tax time I […]

In some ways, referrals are the best way to build a business because prospects already have a good feeling about you. Here are two strategies to boost referrals.

Martin Weller, president of First Capital Financial in Fergus, Ont., built 100% of his niche through referrals.