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Keyword: Statistics Canada

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Credit card

Data reinforces the BoC's decision to hold rates, economist says

Piggy bank and calculator

Disposable income comfortably outpaced the growth in debt, demand for mortgages fell

Global trade

Canada's merchandise trade surplus with the United States rose to $7.4 billion

Retail sales

Consumer spending “continued to sputter” as economic growth weakened

Candle stick graph chart of stock market investment trading

Cross-border portfolio flows rise in May as offshore investors add federal paper, Canadian investors retreat

  • By: Staff
  • July 17, 2023 July 17, 2023
  • 14:38
Securities trending up

StatsCan reported sales were up in four of the seven subsectors that it tracks


Chemical products and motor vehicles were winners, while primary metals fell

Retail sales

Sales at general merchandise retailers rose 3.3% in April, while food and beverage retailers saw a gain of 1.5%

Bond indices

StatsCan reports that offshore investors resumed corporate, federal government bond buying in April

GDP graphic

Statistics Canada reports real gross domestic product grew at annualized rate of 3.1% in Q1