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Keyword: Tax Tips

293 results found

Use this handy list of tax numbers as a quick reference

  • By: Staff
  • November 18, 2022 November 18, 2022
  • 09:36
Business people holding trophy award after win competitor.

Help clients turn investment losses into a tax win

Financial Advisor Assisting Senior Couple

Helping clients establish a "hierarchy of withdrawals"

senior couple

Help clients prioritize the most tax-efficient assets

Hard working craftsman working with planer in a workshop for woodwork. Handsome man with tattoo and beard.

For the best tax treatment, distinguish between current and capital expenses

Financial Advisor Assisting Senior Couple

Tax rules offer flexibility when a client has both a spouse and a common-law partner

house versus cottage

CRA outlined credits, rebates and reporting requirements

  • By: Staff
  • March 24, 2022 April 21, 2023
  • 16:58
A doctor and an elderly patient are indoors at the woman's home. The doctor is talking to the woman while holding a tablet computer.

Help your client claim these non-refundable tax credits

spousal RRSP

Make sure clients don’t run afoul of the attribution rules

tax season

Now is the time to review plans jolted by the pandemic