A new generation of Canadians is coming to terms with what it means to be, or to give support to, veterans.

There are more than 600,000 Canadian Forces veterans, and their average age is 57. There are also more than 75,000 Second World War veterans and more than 9,000 veterans of the Korean World War.

Canadian Forces members have also been deployed on dozens of peacekeeping missions in Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti and points further afield. The federal government has a host of tax and social programs designed to ease civilian life for those who have served. But getting the full benefit of these initiatives often depends on knowing which applications to file and rules to follow.

Our quiz will guide you to the exact forms and lines you need to fill out, no matter your client’s unique situation. Scroll down and click on the interactive links below to get started, or click on the passport stamp icon to open the quiz in a new browser tab.
