If your client is self-employed, she represents a higher tax-compliance risk, says CRA in a new study.

For Canadian taxpayers, non-compliance at the federal tax level resulted in a gap of about $8.7 billion or 6.4% of personal income tax revenues in 2014, reveals the study. That’s 0.4% of GDP.

The gap calculation is based on estimates of taxes that were assessed but not collected and on unreported income from the underground economy (UE).

“Of note,” says the report, “self-employment income is a completely non-assured income base, due to a near-complete lack of third-party reporting and a more complex reporting process.”

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The study’s analysis suggests self-employed taxpayers “may contribute disproportionately to tax loss resulting from UE activity.” Such a finding helps “inform CRA outreach and the design of compliance efforts in this area of higher compliance risk.”

The report says CRA has a dedicated UE strategy and tactical plan. For instance, CRA will mobilize “a range of data, information and legislative tools, initiatives and partnerships to correct non-compliant behaviour and address persistent non-compliance.”

In addition, CRA conducts special UE projects in certain sectors or regions, where “the risk of non-compliance has been determined or is thought to be high.” But no further details are provided in the report.

High-net-worth clients

The report also puts a focus on high-net-worth taxpayers, saying they represent “a significant threat to the tax base in Canada and in other countries. […] Some wealthy individuals and related parties use private corporations and/or complex schemes to purposefully and inappropriately reduce or defer tax.”

In response, Budget 2016 expanded the scope of CRA’s audit program for high-net-worth taxpayers — the related party initiative (RPI). The RPI focuses on those who alone, with family or together with related entities control business activities in multiple entities and control at least $50 million of net worth. Enhancements include new risk assessment strategies and more audit teams.

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The report says CRA is also monitoring offshore activities in an effort to curb tax evasion and avoidance. For instance, CRA reviews high-value money transfers and collaborates with international partners.

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CRA in action

The tax gap is likely even greater than estimates, says the report, because of data limitations.

Over the last two budgets, the government has spent almost $1 billion to help CRA crack down on tax evasion and avoidance. Preliminary results show that the agency is on track to generate more than $13 billion from audit efforts for the most recent fiscal year ending March 31, 2017.

Further, CRA has established a team to examine other aspects of the tax gap, and a study to be released in 2018 will focus on international tax evasion.

Read the full study.

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